Sunday, November 14, 2010

Good Sunday Mornin'

Hi Y'all ! I sure hope this post finds Y'all in GREAT spirits !
This is going to be a very busy busy day for me....And what better way to start it off than sayin' hello to all my Prim Friends ? I have lots to share with Y'all....First and foremost I wanna letcha' know that we are havin' a Home for the holidays swap over at the Prim Pals Forum (click the name to go there) Names will be sent out tonight so you have a lil time to get signed up if you would like to join in....Now you do have to be a forum member to join. One of the unique things about Prim Pals outside of meeting some of the MOST friendly, kind, thoughtful, caring, talented ladies out there...WE DO NOT FORCE YOU TO POST TO CONTINUE BEING A MEMBER...Yepp that's right...You post when you feel comfortable or when you have something to share...No worries about being kicked off for not posting. Anyway come check us out ! We'd loveeee to have you ! Now the next exciting thing I have to share is.....This FANTASTIC giveaway that Prim Pals Forum is having....This LOVELY PRIMTASTIC Snowman was generously donated by Gen of Olde Pear Primitives (click the name to visit Gens FANTASTIC BLOG !) You have to be a member of the Prim Pals Forum and share a Christmas memory to be entered to win. You can also get another entry for posting about it on your blog or Facebook page ! So Come on over to Prim Pals and join in on the fun, make some new friends and get a chance to win this AWESOME snowman handmade by Gen....

I also wanna share some news on my Daddy....Wednesday Dad had to have his right ear amputated. He had a cancerous tumor that had grown so BIG that they had to take the majority of his ear to get it all. We will know in 2 weeks if they were succesful in getting it all. Dad is still in A LOT of pain and was worried about what people will think when they see him. I told him ...Dad who cares what some shallow person may think ! They ARE NOT worth your worries because I'd much rather have you here than have you gone and still have your ear ! This is the first time thru everything Dad has endured that it has gotten him down emotionally. I am soooo used to seein' him be strong and face what has been thrown at him with such strength that it amazes me...I guess we all have to have those moments when we feel weak and vunerable. They also found a skin cancer spot on his left ear and some on his wrist. He has to put chemo lotion on them twice a day. He has been thru worse than this so I know we will come out victorious with this as well. God will see us through this storm !

I also have some health issues going on right now. I had to have a discogram done on my back Friday....and for any of you who have ever had one done you know how horrible it is ! For those of you who haven't...lemme' tell you lol it was worse than childbirth !
I had to take 2 valium before the test...well they may as well have just gave me an asprin ! It relaxed me for maybe the first 20 minutes and that was it ! Once he started putting the needles in and shooting the dye into my discs I don't think anything could have stopped me from my death grip on that bar part of the bed ! Nor the whimpers, tears and the close expletives that ALMOST left my lips !!!! LOL Girlies and Fellas I thought I was gonna die it hurt sooooo BAD ! I am STILL in pain from it and just today was able to actually get outta bed and move a lil. I cannot bend....laying down hurts....standing up hurts.....and I gotta sew ! LOL They did find that L4/5 are the discs that are giving me the most trouble. And L3 is leaking. They sent me to have a ct scan done immediately after the discogram and that will give the Dr even more info on the discs. He said he would like to do back surgery and do it as soon as he can get my insurance to authorize it. He then told me it should stop the toothache throbbing I have constantly in my legs and the burning sensations I have in my feet but that it wouldn't stop my back pain ? Hmmmm I have lotsa questions to ask before I consent to this. Decisions Decisions........Anyone else out there ever had anything like this done ? I would love to hear from you !

On to happier notes.....I have all ready sold my Santa and Snowman Tophat that I showed Y'all in my previous post ! Yeahhhh
Thats why I gotta get busy busy busy hehehehe....They didn't even make it to my booth ! I sold them to a customer at work ! I am working on a reindeer that will have Santa riding on his back right now and a few other Santas and a reindeer wreath. Hope to pour some tarts today as well as long as my back will hold up and let me. Going back to work tomorrow is sure gonna be a struggle !

Anyone out there know where I can find a tutorial on how to set my blog up to the 3 column template ? Or can give me pointers on how to do it or even wanna help walk me thru it ? lolol....My blog needs a renovation !

OHHHHH also be watchin' my future blog posts as I am going to be hosting a giveaway here really soon ! It's gonna be a fun one...
I hope Y'all have a blessed day ! Till next time my Prim Friends
Prim Hugggs n Many Blessins


oldepearprimitives said...

Awww, TJ. It breaks my heart to read what you and your father have been going through. I send you and your family lots of prayers. And I hope you feel better soon. My mom always tells me that God never gives us more then we can handle.

~*Big Hugs( but not to big to hurt your back)*~

Gen :)

Carmen S. said...

Hi sweetie, you and your dad are in my prayers ((BIG hugs)) The only back surgery I've had is last winter when I had that chunk of bone fragment removed. I sure hope whatever they do helps you! Wish I could help with the 3 column, when I did mine that way I gave someone my password and they did it for me:) I'm sorry I haven't been participating in the swaps, I have gotten involved with sending care packages to deployed soldiers and it brings me so much joy to do it:) How are your nephews doing? My baby boy will be home for 2 weeks at Christmas and is getting married!!! I'll be thinking of you as you get help with your back!


Hi TJ,
I am so sorry your Dad and you have been going through so much. My thoughts and prayers are with you. i know you and Your Daddy will come through it with flying colors. Best of luck. Blessings and Hugs, Linda

Holli~Where The Rooster Crows said...

Hugs for you and dad! Tell him to keep his chin up no one is gonna be looking at that ear and if they do they will just think what a brave and lucky man to have gotten rid of the cancer! I cant wait to get my swap partner!

Donna~One Simple Country Girl said...

Big hugs to you and your Dad. I'm sure it will just take time for him to get used to not having his ear and you are right as far as not caring what other people might think. It's better to have him here with no ear than to have him gone with both of them. I hope they are able to get your back fixed up soon and I will keep you and your Dad in my prayers.
Love ya!
Diva :)

Jenny's Place Online said...

I hope everything works out for your and your Dad Jenny

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about what you and your dad are going through. Sending up prayers for both of you.

Thanks for coming by my blog to visit me. I signed up to follow I'll be back to visit again soon.

Take care and I hope that you and your dad feel better real soon.

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

So glad to see you back TJ, I've missed ya lots! Sorry to hear about you and your dad. I will be praying for healing for both of you! You better take it easy girl and don't get carried away!!

Anonymous said...

i love your post! thanks for sharing God bless you...loves soraya

Karen~The Barely There Primitive Bear said...

Hey TJ, wherefore are thou? I hope you get back to blogging soon, because we all miss you very much!

Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

master bedroom said...

Hey People,
Alright alright alright that's exactly what I needed! Always a good job right here, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

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